Wednesday, September 12


Someone is back in town...
and I couldn't be happier.
Celebrated today with a little lunch downtown
and chatter to fill

Tuesday, September 11

Healing field

 Eleven years have gone so quickly.
I, just like you, remember well what I was doing when our world
changed forever on that Tuesday morning.
Just like every week day,
I was getting ready to go to work, in the middle of my routine.
I had returned to work just a few weeks before after taking
my maternity leave for my little guy.
I could hear from my bedroom the morning noises that made me smile.
Mia was signing her silly songs and Trey was giggling.
Both safe in the play room doing what they did so well-
having fun.
It was pure joy.
I was thinking of all that needed done, of course.
Dress the kiddos. Pack the diaper bag for day care.
Check fridge for dinner "stuff"
all while making myself somewhat presentable.
Then the phone rang.
I assumed it was Frankie, checking in.
Like he did every morning.
He started work early and would call to say good morning and
check in on the kiddies.
It wasn't Frankie.
My phone call came from a dear friend who calmly said,
"We're being attacked, turn on the news."
And then just like everyone else, I cried at the sights.
It would take hours, days, months and even years
to learn of the true consequences of the events of those days.
It would take the same amount of time to learn of the miracles,
the heroism and the heartbreaks.
I stopped on my way home today and took a stroll around a healing field.
It was beautiful
I wandered aimlessly, stopping along the way.
More than 3000 flags, each one with the story of a life ended too soon.
So many...
I left the field after reading of the young 27 year old professional who on that morning
left her two little ones in the care of another.
It was an ordinary day for her, too.
Likely she had diapered, fed and done the routine that had for her, become "normal"
I imagine in that tower before the horror, she was doing her job
with the thoughts of her young family always lingering...
We know what happened next.
After reading her story, I felt the need to rush home and hug
the once little people who were singing and  giggling that morning 11 years ago.
I hugged them a little tighter than normal when I came in the door.
I can't help but think that everything really does have a lesson attached to it.
Tonight I'm deeply praying for not just those people who went to heaven too soon
but for the ones that were waiting for them to come home that day 11 years ago. 

Monday, September 10

Monday Funday

Mia leaves the house every morning at 6:30 a.m.
She does it with a genuine smile...usually.
Mondays stink.

Sunday, September 9


Doesn't get any creepier than this!
Not my happiest Sunday, ever.

Saturday, September 8


I got to go on a date with my guy tonight.
My 11 year old guy.
We left Dad at home.
On the way to the movie - Odd Life of Timothy Green - we saw this
beautiful sky.
Sweet Trey said, "Who needs a movie with that sky?"
We looked at it for a few minutes and both agreed
the best art is God's.
We did end up at the movies.
Had a great time, too!
I think we both agreed that the movie was awesome
it didn't compare to that beautiful sky...

Friday, September 7

Stop with no go

September 6.
September 6.
I won't type it again.
I went to the craft store today to get some supplies to make
a little gift for a birthday (of a very cute 4 year old!)
I don't get out enough.
And now I know why.
I get irritated.
Very. Irritated.
Here's a list of some other cool holidays we should consider:
Patriot's Day
Columbus Day
Halloween (not a holiday, but still)
Veteran's Day
Please dear retailers you make me get a tummy ache.
Stop the madness.

Thursday, September 6

Night with the real J-Wows!

I got to spend the evening with these girls.
Aren't I lucky.
Not only are they all gorgeous, they are also inspiring.
They have jobs, families, friends and tons of responsibilities.
They're planning weddings, getting their MBAs and
teaching preschoolers their colors.
I could go on and on and on
listing the things they do but what inspires me the most is their committment to serve.
They give their time and talents
with big beautiful smiles.
The Junior League is lucky to have them!
And so am I.